Elbow Scores
These live elbow score stats are updated daily. They are only for dogs xrayed in the last five years only. All the current radiologists on the panel enter all results into ORCHID. Please note the system only went into production on 12th Sep 2016 so we don't have a full record of all results in the last five years.
If a breed is an official Dogs Australia breed then only results for Dogs Australia registered dogs are used for the results. For non-Dogs Australia breeds the results come from non-Dogs Australia registered dogs and these breeds have an asterisk * after the breed name.
The "Screened" number is the sample count, i.e. the number of results for dogs of that breed. It includes both public and private results. The Normal (Grade 0), Grade1, Grade2, Grade3 are counts of the number of dogs that were scored with that grade. The "Total Percentage Graded Higher than 0" has been rounded to two decimal places. If the percentage is greater than 10% it is coloured orange but if greater than 30% it is red. The "UAP Present" is the count of the number of dogs that had UAP in either elbow.
Select to view the stats for just Dogs Australia registered dogs or all dogs.