CHED is the Canine Hip and Elbows Dysplasia scheme.
Hip score statistics are automatically updated as new results are added by the radiologists on the panel. To see the latest statistics click here.
Dogs Australia members can login with their person number to view private results or view or download a PDF health certificate, for dogs they own.
Instructions for vets when taking x-rays for CHED can be found here.
Schedule of fees
On 1 January 2024, the fees for reading hip and/or elbows xrays under the Dogs Australia CHEDS will increase. This is the first rise in fees since ORCHID started in 2016 and the first increase in 12 years. Part of the fee increase is a levy introduced on all results in order to support the operation of ORCHID.
Reading fees
Hips and Elbows | Dogs Australia dogs | $120 + $10 ANKC Levy = $130 |
Non DA dogs | $120 + $20 ANKC Levy = $140 | |
Hips Only | Dogs Australia dogs | $100 + $10 ANKC Levy = $110 |
Non DA dogs | $100 + $20 ANKC Levy = $120 | |
Elbows Only | Dogs Australia dogs | $50 + $10 ANKC Levy = $60 |
Non DA dogs | $50 + $20 ANKC Levy = $70 |
Appeal fees
Hips and Elbows | $250 |
Hips | $200 |
Elbows | $100 |
Administration fee | $50 |
CHED Panellists
Dr Mariano Makara | PO Box 634 Lane Cove. NSW. 1595. Telephone: 0416 051 002 Email: Web: |
Dr Jenny Richardson | PO Box 3477 Broadway Nedlands LPO WA 6009 Telephone: 0417 911 246 Email: |
Dr Ana Hayes | PO Box 36 Vermont VIC 3133 Telephone: 0400 874 741 Email: |
Email: ALL
The following documents apply to both DA and non-DA registered dogs.
The following documents apply to DA registered dogs.
The following documents apply to non-DA registered dogs.